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Unlock The Secrets Of Successful EBook Selling On Amazon

Selling an eBook on Amazon is a straightforward process that doesn’t require creating an online order system or investing in a website. All you need to do is learn how to use Amazon’s seller tools, and you can put your book up on one of the hottest platforms for potential buyers to find it.

That said, there are steps that you must follow to ensure your eBook is eligible for Amazon publication. Once that part is sorted, you can get started quickly and with little overhead.

So if you’re looking for a simpler answer to how to sell an eBook on Amazon, this is what you need to know: Traffic into conversion is equal to sales. This key formula is your secret to becoming a successful author on Amazon.

Besides writing a book that catches your potential readers’ interest, your goal should also be to bring maximum traffic to your book page and convert them into buyers. This blog has all the information you’re looking for to help you sell an eBook on Amazon before you get overwhelmed with the process. This blog covers:

  • Reasons why choosing Amazon for selling your books is a great idea
  • A thorough understanding of the types of eBooks you can sell on Amazon
  • All steps involved in successfully selling eBook on Amazon
  • Top tips to make the process easier and smoother

So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into this blog right away!

How to Sell eBook on Amazon—Why Choose Amazon?

Selling books on online platforms can become your ultimate source of income with the right approach. Whether you’re trying to reach out to a larger audience to read your eBook, Amazon is a great platform to get you started.

What started as a bookstore based in a garage, Amazon has now become one of the best publishing platforms for digital literature.

Whether you’re introducing your first-ever book to the world or a new one to add to an already existing list, this step-by-step guide will make it easier for you to sell eBooks on Amazon. 

And while there are several other online platforms to sell your eBook, Amazon stands out because:

  • It is easier to get started here
  • You don’t need several books or series of books to publish on this platform
  • Here, you can sell eBooks for cash or credit
  • You reach out to a global audience at once

Amazon possesses all the tools you need to publish and market your book. It needs less work to get the word out about your book. And once you’re able to capture your target audience, this platform can help you reach a bigger audience and become a writing sensation overnight.

Selling an eBook on Amazon—The Types of eBooks You Can Sell

It is important to remember that some books do better than others, depending on various factors. So if you’re still in the planning stage and have yet to write a book, it is wise to research the most-demanded genres and types of books that sell on Amazon.

Choosing a relevant niche to write your first book could be the beginning of a successful online career as an author in the long run.

Here are the most common types of eBooks to sell on Amazon:

New books

If you’re still stuck with how to sell eBooks on Amazon as an author, here’s the good news: new books usually do well on Amazon. If you’re introducing your own work on the platform, certain factors will ensure adequate traffic on your page.

The key is to market your book correctly. The only drawback of this platform is that tens of thousands of eBooks exist in each category, and standing out to capture your audience can take time and effort.

Your military science fiction book may seem pretty unique to you, but when you check out this category on Amazon, you will be astounded to see more than 20,000 entries under that genre.

So how do you stand out and make sure your new book sells? You first need to ponder over the book cover.

Is your eBook attractive enough? Is the title clear? Does the illustration go with the title of the book? Answering these questions will help you determine if your book will make its place in the top five books in the category.

Although Amazon offers a default cover for books at the time of publishing, we can’t stress enough about hiring a professional cover designer when self-publishing your books online. This one-time investment can change your game and become the ultimate reason your book sells.

Titles and descriptions of the book should be your next concern. Before the traffic converts into buyers, they want to know what’s in your book. The description will play a substantial role here. In addition to optimizing the title and description with keywords, you must be very compelling—better than all your competitors.

The description is where you engage your audience without misleading them. Give them hints about the plot in a way that encourages them to hit the ‘Add to Cart’ button right away. 


How to Sell an eBook on Amazon – Steps for your Amazon Journey

Here’s the question you came here seeking an answer to: how can you reach a global audience and sell your eBook online?

Self-publishing your book with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is your best bet. It allows you to control how and at what price your book will sell, and you can also earn royalties on sale for as long as it sells on Amazon.

This section of the blog highlights all the steps you need to take to sell eBooks on Amazon successfully:

Set up your Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account

KDP is where you publish your eBook on Amazon. Before you proceed, you must first set up an account. It is completely free to sign up on KDP.

Find the right niche

Non-fiction is a hot genre when it comes to selling eBooks on Amazon. Now find a more relevant subgenre that connects with the people on a personal level.

The best way to find a niche and write a book that sells is to go to book categories and click on subcategories on the Amazon website.

Consider the first two pages of the search results. If the majority of the books on these pages are under 100,000 on the Amazon Best Sellers Rank, it’s definitely a niche that’s selling.

Even considering niches with above 50,000 search results are considered to have a great market demand. Always conduct your keyword research using top tools such as Google Trends to find topics and rising keywords that are highly demanded.

Choose the right title

Publishing your eBook on Amazon requires much more than just writing a good book. Once you’ve done that part, your next focus should be ranking your book with SEO-friendly marketing content. This will help your book stand out and enable people to find your book more easily.

Start with choosing the right title. As a new author, always keep SEO strategies in mind when setting up the title, writing the description, etc.

Even if the reader doesn’t know about you or your work, it should make them jump when they come across the title and description of your book.

Apart from SEO, you need compelling content that encourages people to buy and read your book. Infuse your title and descriptions with the best SEO without making them sound too robotic. Now that’s where your creative side kicks in.

Lastly, make sure you’re honest with your readers. Be it choosing the title or describing your book in the description section, never mislead your audience. Failing to fulfill their expectations will instantly lead to bad reviews and, ultimately, failure on Amazon.

Professional book cover

We’ve said this earlier, and we will say it again: never compromise on the quality and design of your book cover! Unless you’re an artist and know what you’re doing, it is best to leave the cover of your book to the professionals.

Other marketing aspects

Marketing on a single platform is like losing your opportunity to make it big. In today’s world, social media is the most powerful tool one can utilize to sell their book. Make sure you employ multiple platforms to have more people know about your book.

Set up a page, run ads, and regularly post about your new book and let people engage with you from several platforms before finally landing on the website and buying the book.

Never publish first and figure out marketing later.

Get maximum reader reviews

Once your book is up on KDP, work on getting strong reviews about your book. Positive reader reviews work exactly like positive word-of-mouth marketing.

But how do you cultivate reviews? The first step to having readers review your book is identifying your audience. Once you’ve figured that out, here are some ways you can get them to write a review for your eBook:

  • Reach out to active book bloggers in your relevant niche.
  • Track down and reach out to your competitors’ reviewers
  • Write a personalized pitch for your audience
  • Send out digital copies of your book to book bloggers
  • Don’t forget to follow up
  • Seek help from loved ones

Even if you get ten people to review your book, consider it a great start.

Avoid obscure categories

There are tons of categories for self-publishing on Amazon, creating ambiguity in reaching out to the right audience. Here’s what you can do to prevent that:

  • Get bonus categories: When you’re uploading your book through the KDP dashboard, you are prompted to add up to two categories. Get additional eight categories by contacting Amazon. 
  • Choose categories with less than 10,000 titles: While it is great to be a part of a running category, if it is too competitive, it will become even more challenging to stand out.
  • Tag your eBook using relevant KDP keywords. Amazon uses keywords for indexing your book and showing it in the results for related searches. Choosing the right keywords will help your future discoverability, so choose wisely.

Leverage Amazon algorithms

Following the steps above, you can polish your eBook’s KDP page for maximum conversion. Now it’s your turn to increase traffic and get as much attention from your potential readers as possible.

Amazon has established itself as the no.1 recommendation system and search engine for books. There are tons of ways to direct readers to your eBook. But one of the most effective strategies is to demystify the ‘Best Sellers Rank.’

The platform’s algorithms work is pretty straightforward. It will naturally put the more in-demand books on top of the list.

But how do they figure that out, you may ask? Well, the top factor is how well your book is selling already. You can check out Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank to figure this out. This information is provided in the product details of the eBook.

eBooks ranking between 1 and 5 are likely to sell more than 5000 copies daily. So let’s say you manage to sell 6000 copies of your eBook in a day, this means you’re likely to secure the top rank in order. The real struggle is maintaining that level consistently for a few days to avoid dropping your rank.

It is also important to remember that Amazon’s algorithms are very smart. They immediately become suspicious of books that receive massive sales for a day and then go back to being silent. With these algorithms, plateaus are more important than sudden spikes.

Don’t Publish Unless You’re Ready

Selling an eBook on Amazon is no different than launching a hard copy or publishing it on any platform. You need to be 100% sure about it before you’re ready to set the launch date. So now that you’ve come to the last part of publishing your book on KDP, we recommend saving it as a draft and revisiting it when you feel more confident.

We can’t stress enough how crucial it is to ponder over every little detail of your book’s marketing aspect before you’re ready to set it out for the public. Make sure you work on successful marketing strategies simultaneously so you don’t have to hold the publication for too long.

When your eBook goes live on Amazon, you must immediately put up an Amazon Author’s Page, which has your bio and a photograph. You may add additional blubs to make the page look more professional and detailed.

Lastly, don’t ignore your gut. Set the curiosity aside and let your gut guide you if you are ready to publish your eBook on Amazon. Go with the flow!


How to Sell an eBook on Amazon—Top Tips from Professionals

Research, research, research

Do you have an idea for writing a book, or are you still in the planning phase? Research is the key! When using an online platform, such as Amazon, research can save the day and help you choose a genre or category that receives the best response from readers. Refer to the Amazon Best Seller’s Rank to decide your niche accordingly.

Don’t get into the details

The description or blurb is where you offer a little flavor of your eBook to your readers. A heavy-detailed summary is not attractive. In fact, it can be a little overwhelming, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Strategically utilize impactful keywords in this section to connect with your target market. Using words like ‘personal development’ or ‘self-healing’ for a self-help book will instantly signify what the book is all about.

A blurb is where you allow the readers to build their expectations from your book. So drum up their anticipation and keep them intrigued. 

Keep the readers engaged

Now that you’ve brought your potential buyer to your eBook page, you’re responsible for keeping them hooked and not letting them leave the page without buying.

Leave the reader wanting more by using snappy and strong takeaways highlighting the reasons readers must buy the book.

The idea is to create connections with your audience by highlighting the value the book could bring into their lives.

Content that doesn’t put the readers to sleep is what you need. 

Final Thoughts

You may feel impatient to rush the manuscript to publishing, but without a proper marketing approach, you might as well throw away all the efforts you’ve put into writing it.

Publishing a book that’s not up to the mark will make you look unprofessional, even if you’ve used the best marketing strategies. More people will buy it initially, leaving a bad review later. To avoid that, make sure you’re on track right from the start.

We recommend you use all the important information in this blog and take your time. Publishing a book on Amazon can be a life-changing experience for you and your career, so make sure you do it right.