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Putting Pen To Paper – How Long It Takes To Write A Book In 2023

When you’re starting out as an author, one of the most common questions you’ll ask is how long it takes to write a book. This question can be difficult to answer because it depends on various factors, such as word count, genre, and writing speed.

But if you’re looking for a general estimate, this blog is for you.

This blog will provide a guide to help new authors estimate how long it will take them to write their books.

We’ll also discuss some tips for speeding up the writing process. So, if you’re inspired to write a book but need help figuring out where to start, keep reading!

We will cover the following topics in this blog:

  • How long does it take to write a book?
  • Average time to write a book
  • Writing a Book: Factors that Affect the Process
  • How long would it take to write a Fiction & Non-Fiction Book?
  • Speed up the writing process: Best Tips

How Long to Write a Book?

Most authors can expect to spend six months to a year writing a complete book. Various factors come into play when we think about how much time it would take to write a book.

One of the factors is the length of the book.

A writer who wants to produce a 50,000-word book will obviously take much less time than one attempting a 100,000-word manuscript.

However, there can be significant variation even within the desired word count. For instance, a first-time author may take significantly longer than a seasoned pro.

Additionally, the amount of time dedicated to writing each day makes a difference. A writer who can only squeeze in an hour or two will take much longer to complete a book than someone with several hours to devote.

The Challenge for Aspiring Writers When Writing a Book

Writing a book is no easy feat. It requires a great deal of time and effort and a certain amount of talent and skill. For many aspiring writers, the biggest challenge is getting started.

Once they have an idea for a book, they often find themselves bogged down in planning and research, and the actual writing process seems to stretch out endlessly.

However, experienced authors know that the key to finishing a book is to sit down and start writing. It’s important not to get too caught up in planning or editing as you go; just let the story flow naturally.

Of course, every book is different, and some may take longer than others to write. The key is to keep writing; eventually, you’ll reach the finish line.


Average Time to Write a Book

How long to write a book? Again the answer varies. And word count is one of the essential factors in determining how long it will take to write a book.

Generally speaking, the shorter the book, the less time it will take to write. This is because shorter books tend to have less complex plotlines and fewer characters. As a result, the author can focus on writing more occasional scenes and needs less time to develop the story.

However, there are exceptions to this rule.

For example, a short book that is heavily researched may take longer to write than a longer book with a simpler story.

A guideline for how long it takes to write a book based on word count is that it takes about:

  • 1-2 hours to write 1,000 words
  • 2-4 hours to write 2,000 words
  • 4-8 hours to write 4,000 words
  • 8-16 hours to write 8,000 words

Of course, this is just a guideline, and your mileage may vary depending on your writing speed and other factors. But it gives you an idea of how long it might take to complete a project of different lengths.

So if you’re wondering how long it will take you to write your next great book, think about how many words are in it and use that as a starting point.

How Long to Write 500 Words?

Writing 500 words typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the writer’s skill level, knowledge of the topic, and typing speed.

A novice writer may take twice as long to write 500 words as an experienced author who is familiar with the topic.

Writing 500 words per day is an excellent habit to develop; this adds up to 3,500 words in a week that can be used toward completing a manuscript.

How to start a story? Beginner writers often ask this question.  It takes time to write a story because it is a complex process. 

If you wanted to write a storybook, how long would it take?

Some authors have been known to write a novel in as little as one month, while others may take years to complete their work.

 It takes anywhere from three months to two years to write a complete storybook.

How Many Words is a 300-Page Book?

Thinking about how many words are in a 300-page book? A 300-page book typically consists of about 75,000 – 90,000 words. Of course, this number can vary depending on the font size and spacing used in the manuscript.

A larger font size with wider spacing may result in more pages than a smaller one with tighter spacing.

Some books may include additional content, such as pictures, tables, or graphs, which can affect the total word count.


Writing a Book: Factors Involved that Impact Speed

Writing Style

Every writer has a unique style that they bring to their work. And style is influenced by the writer’s personality, experiences, and influences. In turn, this style affects how the writer approaches writing a book.

Some writers may prefer to plan out every detail before they start writing, while others may prefer to let the story unfold organically. Some writers may write rapidly, while others may take time and savor each word.

However, the important thing is that each writer finds a method that works for them.


Research is crucial to the success of a book. As an experienced author will tell you, spending the time to research your topic thoroughly is essential to producing a well-written and well-received book.

There are many different research methods, including reading books and articles on your topic, interviewing experts, and attending conferences and workshops.

While it can be tempting to try to shortcut the research process, doing so will likely result in a subpar book that fails to meet the expectations of your readers.

So if you’re serious about writing a book that will make a lasting impression, it is important to set aside the time to do your research correctly.


After a writer has completed a draft of their book, the editing process begins. Editing is critical to the success of any book. Various factors affect the editing process, including the type of book, the target audience, and the author’s style.

For example, fiction books often require more editing than non-fiction books. This is because fictional stories must be carefully plotted and well-developed, whereas non-fiction books are typically more straightforward.

Furthermore, children’s books often need to be edited more extensively than adult books as they must meet stricter, age-appropriate content guidelines.

Visual Elements

Visual design and elements are other factors to consider. The book’s cover is the first thing potential readers will see, so it’s important to make a good impression.

The illustrations within the book also play a role in engaging readers and keeping their attention. In addition, the layout and design of the pages can impact how easy or difficult it is to read.

For these reasons, it’s vital to consider your book’s visual elements carefully. With a little planning and thought, you can ensure that your book makes a great first impression and appeals to your audience.


Writing a book depends heavily on the format. The format can be anything from traditional print to eBook to an audiobook. Each format has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Traditional print books are easy to find and usually inexpensive, but they can be heavy and bulky, making them difficult to carry around.

EBooks are more portable but can be harder to find than traditional print books since they are not typically carried in brick-and-mortar stores.

Audiobooks can be a great option for people who have difficulty reading standard print, but they can be expensive and require a compatible device for playback.

Each of these formats takes a different amount of time to perfect and get publish-ready. Remember: there’s no right answer to formatting. The best format for a book is the one that best meets the needs of the author and the intended audience.


Once the book is ready, it needs to be published, which can take a few days to several weeks, depending on the publication platform. This can be frustrating for authors, as it can be challenging to know how long it will take for the book to be available to readers.

Sometimes, the wait can be worth it, as publishers may provide valuable feedback that can improve the book’s quality. However, in other cases, it may simply be a matter of waiting for the book to be approved and made available for purchase.

Either way, book publishing is a vital step in the writing process and can significantly impact how long a book takes.

How Long Does It Take To Write A Novel?

The average person writing a book for the first time can expect to spend anywhere from 4 months to over a year writing a novel. This timetable is based on several factors, including the book’s length, the amount of research required, and the author’s writing speed.

For a novel, the average length is 90,000 words. This means that a person writing 1,000 words per day would finish the book in just over three months.

However, many first-time authors find it difficult to maintain such a high output, and it is common for the writing process to take six months or longer.

The total time frame can easily stretch to over a year when factoring in research and editing.

Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule—some authors manage to write a complete book in just a few weeks—but for most people, writing a novel is a slow and steady process.

The Average Writing Time for Fiction and Non-Fiction Books

It is often said that writing a book is a long and arduous process. And while it is true that some books can take years to complete, the average writing time for fiction and non-fiction books is surprisingly short.

For a novel, the average writing time is just over six months, while that for a non-fiction book is just under four months.

Romance novels tend to be shorter, with a word count of around 80,000 words, while epic fantasy novels can be much longer, clocking in at over 150,000 words.

Non-fiction books also vary in length, but they tend to be shorter than fiction books, with an average word count of around 60,000.

However, the time it takes to write a book isn’t simply a matter of word count.

For instance, a writer might be able to churn out the first draft of a romance novel in a matter of weeks, but it could take months or even years to polish that draft into a publishable manuscript.

Similarly, a non-fiction book might require extensive research and fact-checking, which can add significant time to the writing process.

Tips for Speeding up The Writing Process

Know What You’re Going to Write Before You Start

One of the best ways to speed up the writing process is to know what you’ll write before you start. This means taking the time to brainstorm or outline your ideas before you start putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard).

Knowing what you want to say before you start writing will save you a lot of time and effort later on. You’ll also be less likely to get stuck or wander off on tangents.

So, if you want to write more quickly and efficiently, take a few minutes upfront to plan what you’re going to say. It’ll make all the difference in the world.

Set a Word Count Goal for Each Day or Session

Anyone who has attempted to write a novel knows the importance of setting goals. Without a goal to strive for, it is too easy to get caught up in distractions and procrastination.

One of the best ways to overcome these challenges is to set a word count goal for each day or writing session. It keeps you focused and on track and will also help you measure your progress.

In addition, setting a word count goal will give you a sense of accomplishment when you reach it. As a result, you will be motivated to continue writing and making progress on your novel.

If you need help sticking to a writing schedule, try setting a daily word count goal. It is the key to success.

Write In Short Bursts Of Energy—Take Breaks!

Many writers find that their best work occurs in short bursts of energy, followed by a break. This method allows you to maintain a high level of focus while avoiding burnout.

One way to implement this strategy is to set a timer for 25 minutes and write without stopping until the timer goes off.

Then, take a 5-10 minute break to stretch, grab a snack, or step away from your work. You can repeat this cycle as often as needed until you reach your word count goal.

While it may seem counterintuitive, taking regular breaks can help you write faster and more efficiently.

Keep Distractions to A Minimum

One of the most important ways to cut down on writing time is to keep distractions to a minimum. That means turning off your phone, closing the door to your office, and letting your family and friends know that you’re not to be disturbed.

Once you’ve eliminated distractions, you can focus on the task and get the words flowing more quickly.

Create A Writing Space That Works For YOU.

A well-organized and comfortable writing space can significantly impact your productivity. If you are easily distracted, choose a quiet spot to focus on your work.

Similarly, if you have trouble staying motivated, try to surround yourself with inspiring objects or images. Also, establish some simple ground rules for your writing space, such as no computer usage until after a certain amount of work has been completed.

By creating a writing space that works for you, you can speed up the writing process and get more done in less time.


F. Scott Fitzgerald took over two years to write The Great Gatsby, while Arthur Conan Doyle took three weeks to write A Study in Scarlet.

J.K. Rowling famously took six years to write the Harry Potter series, and J.R.R Tolkien spent sixteen years writing The Lord of the Rings.

These examples demonstrate that the time it takes to write a book is highly variable depending on the author and their writing style, as well as any other factors that might be at play.

Some authors work quickly, while others may take months or even years to complete a novel. It’s also important to remember that not all books are created equal—some may take longer to write than others due to the complexity of the plot or characters.

So, if you’re looking to become an author, don’t get discouraged by the time it takes; instead, focus on creating something you can be proud of!

You may be surprised at how quickly your dream can become a reality with a bit of perseverance.

Good luck and happy writing!